Electric (Effective January 1, 2023)

This rate is for customers who use electricity for non-residential purposes and who have a demand of less than 75 KW per month. (MMU may install a meter at any time to monitor demand KW). Buildings used for commercial business may be individually metered or may be master metered, but shall not have a combination of these types of metering. If individually metered, the rate class of each business in the building will be determined by their individual electric consumption.

If master metered, the combined demand must be less than 75 KW to qualify for the commercial rate. For master metered buildings, the fixed charge shall be multiplied by the number of units served and added to the energy charge to obtain the total billing. The customer shall receive only one bill for the building.

     Fixed Charge: $45.00 per month  
     Energy Rate: 
     January through March Billings:  
     All kWhs per month @ $0.07700 per kWh 
     July through September Billings:  
     All kWhs per month @ $0.0900 per kWh    
     April through June and October through December Billings:   
     All kWhs per month @ $0.07300 per kWh

This rate is for customers who use electricity for the purpose of heating a business and who have a non-electric auxiliary source of heat, which would be sufficient to allow MMU to curtail their electric heat for up to 12 hours in any 24-hour period. Each heat source (electric and auxiliary) must meet the qualifications specified by MMU and be capable of supplying the total heat necessary for the building in all weather conditions.

A separate meter shall be installed to record the interruptible heat only. The electric heat consumption shall be billed on the Commercial Interruptible Heat Rate for six (6) months per year on the November through April utility billings. All consumption on the May through October utility billings shall be billed on the Commercial Rate. 

      Fixed Charge: $45.00 per month (Primary Meter Only)
      Primary Meter Energy Rate:  
      January through March Billings:  
      All kWh per month @ $0.07700 per kWh   
      July through September Billings:   
      All kWh per month @ $0.09000 per kWh   
      April through June and October through December Billings:  
      All kWh per month @ $0.07300 per kWh    
      Electric Heat Meter Energy Rate:  
      January through March Billings: 
      All kWh per month @ $0.05100 per kWh 
      November, December, April Billings: 
      All kWh per month @ $0.05000 per kWh   
      July through September Billings: 
      All kWh per month @ $0.09000 per kWh   
      May, June, and October Billings: 
      All kWh per month @ $0.07300 per kWh

This rate is for customers who use electricity for non-residential purposes and who have a demand of 75 KW to 499 KW per month. Customers being billed at the Commercial Rate who experience a demand of 75 KW to 499 KW twice in any consecutive 12-month period will then be billed at the Demand Metered Service - Small Demand Rate.

The billing demand is the greatest 15-minute demand during the billing period. The minimum demand to be billed will, in no event, be considered less than 25% of the greatest demand billing during the preceding 11 months, whether or not energy is used. All charges are subject to applicable power factor adjustments.

If demand is maintained below 75 KW per month for 12 consecutive months, the customer will then be changed to the Commercial Rate. If a customer on the Demand Metered Service - Small Demand Rate installs an automatic demand controller and thereby reduces their demand to less than 75 KW, the customer may be changed to the Commercial Rate with the approval of MMU's Electric Operations Manager.

     Fixed Charge: $195.00 per month
     Energy Rate: All kWh per month @ $0.03010 per kWh
     Demand Rate:  
     January through March Billings  
     All kW per month @ $18.50 per kW  
     July through September Billings  
     All kW per month @ $22.00 per kW  
     April through June and October through December Billings  
     All kW per month @ $15.30 per kW

This rate is for customers who use electricity for non-residential purposes and who have a demand of 500 KW to 9999 KW per month. Customers who experience a demand of 500 KW or greater twice in any consecutive 12-month period will be billed at the Demand Metered Service - Large Demand Rate.

The billing demand is the greatest 15-minute demand during the billing period. The minimum demand to be billed will, in no event, be considered less than 25% of the greatest demand billing during the preceding 11 months, whether or not energy is used. All charges are subject to applicable power factor adjustments.

If demand is maintained below 500 KW per month for 12 consecutive months, the customer will then be changed to the Demand Metered Service - Small Demand Rate. If a customer on the Demand Metered Service - Large Demand Rate installs an automatic demand controller and thereby reduces their demand to less than 500 KW, the customer may be changed to the Demand Metered Service - Small Demand Rate with the approval of MMU's Electric Operations Manager.

     Fixed Charge: $450.00 per month  
     Energy Rate: All kWh per month @ $0.03010 per kWh  
     Demand Rate:  
     January through March Billings:  
     All kW per month @ $18.50 per kW   
     July through September Billings:  
     All kW per month @ $22.00 per kW  
     April through June and October through December Billings: 
     All kW per month @ $15.30 per kW

This rate is for customers who have a demand of 75 KW to 499 KW per month and who can continuously disconnect all or part of their load, during periods of peak demand and meet the qualifications specified by MMU. MMU may control the load for a maximum of 16 hours in any 24-hour period.

The minimum billing in this rate classification is 25% of the greatest demand billed during the preceding 11 months on the "Demand/Energy Meter", plus the demand billing on the "On-Peak Meter". All charges are subject to applicable power factor adjustments.

     Fixed Charge: $195.00 per month  
     Energy Rate: All kWh per month @ $0.03010 per kWh
     Demand Rate: 
     January through March Billings:  
     All kW per month @ $8.40 per kW  (Demand/Energy Meter)   
     Plus All kW per month @ $22.30 per kW (On-Peak Meter)
     July through September Billings:   
     All kW per month @ $8.90 per kW (Demand/Energy Meter)  
     Plus All kW per month @ $26.50 per kW (On-Peak Meter)  
     April through June and October through December Billings:  
     All kW per month @ $7.40 per kW (Demand/Energy Meter)
     Plus All kW per month @ $14.80 per kW (On-Peak Meter)

This rate is for customers who have a demand of 500 KW to 9999 KW per month and who can continuously disconnect all or part of their load, up to a maximum of 500 KW, during periods of peak demand and meet the qualifications specified by MMU. MMU may control the load for a maximum of 16 hours in any 24-hour period. Larger interruptible loads may be approved if they can be controlled to benefit MMU's system.

The minimum billing in this rate classification is 25% of the greatest demand billed during the preceding 11 months on the "Demand/Energy Meter", plus the demand billing on the "On-Peak Meter". All charges are subject to applicable power factor adjustments.

    Fixed Charge: $450.00 per month  
    Energy Rate: All kWh per month @ $0.03010 per kWh   
    Demand Rate: 
    January through March Billings: 
    All kW per month @ $8.40 per kW (Demand/Energy Meter)
    Plus All kW per month @ $22.30 per kW (On-Peak Meter)
    July through September Billings:   
    All kW per month @ $8.90 per kW (Demand/Energy Meter)   
    Plus All kW per month @ $26.50 per kW (On-Peak Meter) 
    April through June and October through December Billings: 
    All kW per month @ $7.40 per kW (Demand/Energy Meter)   
    Plus All kW per month @ $14.80 per kW (On-Peak Meter)

This rate is for Demand Metered customers who have a demand of 10 MW (10,000 kW) or greater per month. The billing demand is the greatest 15-minute demand during the billing period. The minimum demand to be billed will, in no event, be considered less than 25% of the greatest demand billed during the preceding 11 months, whether or not energy is used. All charges are subject to applicable power factor adjustments.
     Fixed Charge: $28,376.00 per month
     Local Distribution Charge-PILOT: All kWh per month @ $.00224 per kWh
     Local Distribution Charge-Demand: All kW per month @ $4.58 per kW
     Transmission: Actual cost based on the load ratio of MMU's transmission cost
     Power Supply: Actual cost based on the load ratio of MMU's power supply cost


Application of Schedule:

Service under this rate class is considered standby service and is for Marshall Municipal Utilities' (MMU) customers with (1) electric load demand greater than 10 MW (10,000 kW) and (2) internal generation from a generating unit exceeding 5 MW, configured to operate in parallel with the electric system of MMU. The rate applies whether customer is connected at distribution or transmission voltage. The billing demand in kilowatts shall be the highest 30 minute integrated demand (or calculated to a 30-minute average basis in the event 15-minute demand registers are installed) measured during the billing period. Metering for the service will occur at the voltage of the customer's service, whether 13.8 kV or 115 kV. Customers eligible for this rate will provide MMU with an Interconnection Agreement with terms and conditions acceptable to MMU and to any other regulatory body requiring approval.

Rate for Service:

Service under this rate class requires each of the following rate components: A. Distribution Service: The customer will pay the MMU distribution rate, whether or not it is connected at the distribution level, in recognition of MMU's capital investments in its distribution system to serve the customer.      1. System Charge: The customer will pay $4.34 per kW/month for the non-coincident peak (NCP) demand for delivery service. The billing demand is the maximum 30 minute (NCP) demand usage during the billing month. The monthly minimum System Charge is $179,384.00.      2. Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT): A monthly lump sum of $59,592.00. This amount may be zero if customer taking service under this rate develops an alternative method of payment for the PILOT found to be an acceptable alternative payment mechanism, as determined by MMU. B. Power Supply: Actual cost incurred by MMU under the Missouri River Energy Services (MRES) Retail Customer-Owned Generation Rate, described in the attached Schedule B. Any MRES charge(s) for the participating retail customer will be directly passed through to the retail customer. The MRES rate for the service is subject to change, and any change will be automatically applied to the retail customer taking service hereunder. C. Transmission Service: The customer will pay MMU for transmission service at customer's gross coincident peak (CP) load ratio share of the MRES Transmission Service Agreement (TSA) rate as established annually by MRES for the Xcel Group and described in the attached Schedule C. The MRES TSA rate for this service is subject to change, and any change will be automatically applied to the customer taking service hereunder. The transmission expense is subject to true up, based on changes to the rate or CP load ratio share, if different than the amount billed. Customers under this rate are not eligible for any credit from MMU ownership of transmission facilities within the MISO transmission network. Gross monthly coincident peak load is the amount of load served synchronous to the transmission system and is independent of any customer load served behind the meter (BTM) at the coincident time of the MMU monthly peak. Power Factor: Customers taking service under this rate shall at all times use power in such a manner that their average power factor while using the MMU system, is near to 100% as possible. If the average power factor, is less than 95%, the customer will be billed a power factor charge which is determined by subtracting the metered Demand divided by 95% from the corrected Demand and multiplying the result by the actual kW Demand rate being charged to customer for sections A,B and C of this rate.


The language in this Schedule B is based upon Schedule B of the Missouri River Energy Services (MRES) and MMU S-1 Agreement

Power Supply Rates: a. Standby Demand: If a Municipality so chooses, it may nominate, in writing to MRES, all or a portion of the qualifying retail generation for the Nominated Standby Demand Rate (as defined further in this Section, below). In such event, MRES shall charge Municipality the product of the amount of generation nominated multiplied by the Nominated Standby Demand Rate, on a monthly basis. Municipality may make such nomination at or before the time the generation of the retail customer goes on-line. Subsequently, Municipality is allowed to nominate or change its nomination one time each year by providing written notice of any such action no later than November 30 for the following year. If notice is properly given, any changes to the nomination will be effective on December 31, hour ending 24:00; provided however that if a nomination change is made during an Excess Standby Demand Rate period as described in this Section 6 below, the revised nomination shall not take effect until the expiration of the Excess Standby Demand Rate period.

If the generation of a retail customer's internal generating unit exceeding five MW is not in service, whether planned or unplanned (Out-of-Service Event), MRES shall charge Municipality the following demand charge to replace such customer's generation measured as of the time of Municipality's peak supplemental demand:      (i) If Municipality nominated internal customer generation as described above, and such nomination level exceeds the demand required as a result of the Out-of-Service Event, MRES shall not charge Municipality for any amount in addition to the Nominated Standby Demand Rate.      (ii) If Municipality elected not to nominate internal customer generation, or nominated an amount less than the demand required due to the Out-of-Service Event, MRES shall charge Municipality the Excess Standby Demand Rate (as defined further below in this Section 6) on demand exceeding the nominated generation or, if Municipality made no nomination of generation, on all demand for the month of the Out-of-Service Event and each of the succeeding 11 months (the Excess Standby Demand Rate period).

Nominated Standby Demand Rate: $5 per kW-month. This rate shall be multiplied by the amount of retail customer qualifying generation nominated by Municipality.

Excess Standby Demand Rate: The rate shall be the Power Supply demand rate in effect under Section 3 for the month of the Out-of-Service Event. MRES will assess a charge based on the product of the Power Supply Demand Rate multiplied by the retail customer monthly 30 minute coincident peak to the member monthly system 30 minute peak. If there is another Out-of-Service Event during the Excess Standby Demand Rate period, MRES shall charge Municipality the higher of the Excess Standby Demand Rate applicable to the initial Out-of-Service Event and the Excess Standby Demand Rate applicable to the subsequent Out-of-Service Event.

Each retail generation Out-of-Service Event begins a new 12-month Excess Standby Demand Rate period, commencing the month of the Out-of-Service Event.

b. Standby Energy: The Standby Energy Rate shall be the higher of the energy rate under Sections 3 and 4 of this rate schedule or 125 percent of the day-ahead Locational Marginal Price on the dates of such purchases. MRES shall charge for energy purchased by Municipality during an Out-of-Service Event to replace retail customer generation meeting the applicability requirements of this Section 6 times the Standby Energy Rate.

Other Retail Customer Generation Rates: If MRES incurs a transmission charge from MISO or SPP for generation of any retail customer (irrespective of size) of a Municipality, and Municipality has not been charged the Excess Standby Demand Rate, MRES shall charge Municipality the cost incurred by MRES from MISO or SPP for that retail customer generation.


The language in this Schedule C is based upon Schedule C of the Missouri River Energy Services (MRES) and MMU S-1 Agreement

Transmission Service Transmission Service furnished or made available pursuant to Section 6 of the S-1 Agreement, MRES shall charge each Municipality for all costs incurred by MRES which may be required to effect Transmission Service, including those costs and charges included in Section 6 and Section 7 of the S-1 Agreement, and all costs and charges under provisions of any Tariff of MISO or SPP (as such Tariffs may be supplemented or amended by MISO or SPP or their respective successor), pursuant to which MRES has acquired transmission capacity or service for the purpose of supplying Transmission Service to Municipality. The rates for each Transmission Service shall be as follows:

     3. Marshall purchases transmission service from Xcel and therefore is in the Xcel Group: The monthly demand rate shall be $6.77 per kW. This rate will be multiplied by Municipality's Monthly Peak Demand as determined in Section 7 below.

     5. TRANSMISSION COST ADJUSTMENT (TCA) MRES shall adjust the charges to Municipality monthly based on the difference between the total charges based on the Monthly Rates in Section 3, above, and the actual costs incurred by MRES for Transmission Service provided to Municipality.

     7. BILLING MEASUREMENT For the MidAmerican Group, Northern Cities Group, Split Rock Group, and Xcel Group, the Monthly Peak Demand in kW shall be the highest 30-minute integrated demand for Municipality's total electric requirements measured during the billing period. When electricity is measured at more than one Point of Measurement, the total demand shall be the sum of the maximum recorded integrated demand at each Point of Measurement during the same 30-minute interval.

POWER COST ADJUSTMENT A power cost adjustment shall apply to all kWh usage for all customer classes.  The power cost adjustment amount is determined by comparing MMU's actual power supply costs (minus the Industrial Rate class) to a base kwh cost. The power cost adjustment reflects either an increase or decrease in power supply costs, which may raise or lower your net monthly cost for electricity.

POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENT MMU Demand metered customers shall at all times use power in such a manner that their average power factor is as near to 100% as possible.  MMU may, at their discretion, perform tests and/or install reactive metering to determine average power factor.  When the reactive metering indicates a lagging power factor of less than 95%, the customer will be billed a power factor charge which is determined by subtracting the metered Demand divided by 95% from the corrected Demand and multiplying the result by the Demand metered kW Demand rate. Any applicable transformer and metering credits apply.

Average power factor is defined to be the quotient obtained by dividing the kWh used during the billing period by the square root of the sum of the squares of kWh used and the lagging reactive kilovolt ampere-hours supplied during the same period.

Corrected Demand is defined as the metered Demand divided by the average power factor.


A 1% discount in demand and energy charges will be given for either primary metering or customer-owned transformers. (A 2% credit will be given for both primary metering and customer-owned transformers).

Water  (Effective January 1, 2023)


Meter Size Charge       Meter Size Charge         
3/4" $23.50     4" $497.45        
1"   $36.20     6" $1,093.29        
1 1/2" $72.86     10" $3,136.96        
2" $123.49        
3" $293.96        

Multiple Occupancy Base Rate: $18.50 per unit

Commercial Water Usage Rate: All usage @ $5.93/1,000 gallons

Industrial Water Usage Rate: All usage @ $5.93/1,000 gallons

Separate Irrigation and Sprinkler Meter Usage Rate:
November through June Billings
All usage @ $5.93/1,000 gallons
July through October Billings
First 12,000 gallons @ $6.53/1,000 gallons 
Over 12,000 gallons @ $7.12/1,000 gallons 

Service to more than one customer through one meter under a single billing will be allowed; however, the base charge will be multiplied by the number of units physically served multiplied by the Multiple Occupancy Base Charge rate, or the actual meter size. Per Minnesota State Statute 504B.215, the billing must be under the building owners name and the owner shall recieve one bill for the multiple occupancy.


Waste Water  (Effective January 1, 2025)

Base Charge:  $25.47 per month (minimum)
Wastewater Rate:  $5.02 per 1,000 gallons 
Industrial wastewater used @ $3.21 per 1,000 gallons

The following surcharges apply to the Industrial wastewater rate:
  a. Excess CBOD charge of $350.47 per 1,000 pounds.
  b. An excess suspended solids surcharge of $350.26 per 1000 pounds.
  c. An excess Phosphorous Surcharge of $6.30 per pound.

Service to more than one customer through one water meter under a single billing will be allowed. The minimum sewer charge and the usage charge (based on water usage) in each block of the rate schedule will be multiplied by the number of units served. The customer shall receive only one bill for the multiple occupancies.

The City of Marshall prohibits connection of sump pump discharges to the sanitary sewer without a permit. Failure to allow inspection by City of Marshall officials for proper sump pump discharge will result in the following charges assessed on Marshall Municipal Utilities' billing statement.

Wastewater Violation 1: The property owner shall be assessed a $50 monthly fee for failure to provide inspection by City of Marshall Officials under Section 78-73. The fee shall be initiated beginning the 16th day after notice is sent from the City. Upon notification from the City of Marshall to Marshall Municipal Utilities, the fee shall commence on the effected property owner's next utility billing and shall continue until the next utility billing cycle after city inspection is completed, the date the alternative inspection report under Section 78-73 is received by the City of Marshall, or Wastewater Violation 2 fee goes into effect.

Wastewater Violation 2: The property owner shall be assessed a $100 monthly fee for violation under Section 78-74. The fee shall be initiated after a notice and deadline for correction have expired. Upon notification from the City of Marshall to Marshall Municipal Utilities, the fee shall commence on the effected property owner's next utility billing and shall continue until the next utility billing cycle after correction is inspected and approved by the City of Marshall.

NOTE: Wastewater (sewer) charges are billed and collected by Marshall Municipal Utilities. The Wastewater system is operated by and rates are set by the City of Marshall. Any questions regarding wastewater services can be directed to the City of Marshall at (507) 537-6776.

Surface Water Management Utility Rates  (Effective January 1, 2025)

The Surface Water Management Utility was implemented by the City of Marshall in 2004 as a method of financing the administration, planning, implementation, and maintenance of Marshall's storm sewer system.  Marshall Municipal Utilities (MMU) provides billing services only for this utility.  Questions regarding Surface Water Management can be directed to the City of Marshall's Engineering Department at (507) 537-6773.

Property Classification / Land Use Monthly Fee
1 - Single Family Residential $6.50/household
2 - Two Family Residential $24.93/acre
3 - Manufactured Housing $35.31/acre
4 - Industrial, Multi-Family, Railroad ROW(1) $42.84/acre
5 - Commercial/Office Parking $54.91/acre
6 - Institutions(2) (Churches, Schools, Government Buildings, Etc.)  
7 - Vacant(3) $ 2.98/acre
8 - Agricultural(4) $ 0.75/acre

(1) For property five acres and greater, the developed portion of the property is included in Classification 4.  The open space portion of the property is included in Classification 7 or 8.

(2) The developed portion of the property is included in Classification 5.  For property five acres and greater, the open space portion of the property is included in Classification 7 or 8.

(3) Vacant rate is based on a flat charge of $2.98 per acre.

(4) Agricultural rate is based on a flat charge of $0.75 per acre and must be a minimum of five acres.

Security Light Rate (Effective January 1, 2021)

Security Lighting Unmetered Metered
100 w h/pressure sodium $3.30/mo. $1.50/mo.
250 w h/pressure sodium $7.75/mo. $3.65/mo.
400 w h/pressure sodium        $10.50/mo. $5.85/mo.
40 w LED Watchlight $4.00/mo. $2.50/mo.
39 w LED Granville $13.50/mo. $12.75/mo.
168 w LED Mongoose $15.00/mo. $12.50/mo.

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