Participation in Marshall Municipal Utilities Load Management Program is a condition of service for all new construction and remodeling where electric water heating, electric heating, or central air conditioning is installed. By allowing MMU to cycle these appliances during our peak times, we can keep our energy rates low by reducing the need to purchase additional volatile peak power and at the same time conserve our natural resources.

The controller is provided at no charge and MMU will pay $30 towards the installation and one connected load plus $10 for each additional load connected. Call us at 537-7005 for more information on how you can start saving money on your utility bill through our Load Management Program.

Marshall Municipal Utilities offers the following credits for participation in our Load Management Program.

Electric Water Heater:          $3 credit per month for 12 months each year.
Electric Furnace: $3 credit per month for 6 months (November-April)
Central Air Conditioner: $3 credit per month for 4 months (June-September)






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